Friday, April 29, 2011

Where did it all started go wrong?

There is totally no use in waiting and building-up a hopes because it will eventually lead to the fucking disappointment.
Expecting too much from someone and something is such a completely damn bullshit.
All that left now is just pain and sorrow.
There is no happily ever after,happy ending bloody sure wont come around.
By now,i am overwhelmed with emptiness but am going to act completely okay.

Too many things have passed by,
So many people have walked through,
some gone with the wind,some remains and stay.
The pain hurts and temporary,but somehow i think, i already get used to it.
I am too numb for pain,i have gone through worse.
Dear God,push away all the weakness in me.

Im tired convinced myself its all was just a nightmare. 
Yet still,its the bitter TRUTH.

-i dont need your STUPID sympathy.