Everything is normal. Just normal. Well maybe currently dull. Nothing to look forward to,and nothing excites me. My day that passes by is just like a recorded taped. Old and repetitive. I am spending most of my times nowadays on facebook and with my friends. Also blogging. Try to socializing and trying to keep my mind off over something that keeps bugging into my head.But yeah, sometimes i just cant handle it. Whenever i lost control,it will tickles in my mind. Oh damn.
People,dont it ever crossed your mind that "somehow meeting and adding new people in your life is a waste and such a fool action as every hello always end with goodbye". Or maybe i forgot,things was just beautiful at first right? *BIG sigh there. But why should you bother rub into my face all those lovely words at the first place if you never meant it? Why bother talked about feelings if they are not really there? Hmm,seems like i cant stop dwelling about my past. Oh,well just maybe in case you are going to ask how am i doing here,im doing fine. Just having short-lasted-bad-headache and dizziness. Other than that,i enjoyed lonesome,judging nastily by people,and enjoy fixing a broken heart.
Phuck you,dude.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
Sob her heart out.
Pointing my self to the mirror,
Lets just say sometimes when you think something is your past,you're wrong.Sometimes your past comes back to you,and if you're lucky enough,your "past" is your future.
Where did it all started go wrong?
There is totally no use in waiting and building-up a hopes because it will eventually lead to the fucking disappointment.
Expecting too much from someone and something is such a completely damn bullshit.
All that left now is just pain and sorrow.
There is no happily ever after,happy ending bloody sure wont come around.
By now,i am overwhelmed with emptiness but am going to act completely okay.
Too many things have passed by,
So many people have walked through,
some gone with the wind,some remains and stay.
The pain hurts and temporary,but somehow i think, i already get used to it.
I am too numb for pain,i have gone through worse.
Dear God,push away all the weakness in me.
Im tired convinced myself its all was just a nightmare.
Yet still,its the bitter TRUTH.
-i dont need your STUPID sympathy.
Expecting too much from someone and something is such a completely damn bullshit.
All that left now is just pain and sorrow.
There is no happily ever after,happy ending bloody sure wont come around.
By now,i am overwhelmed with emptiness but am going to act completely okay.
Too many things have passed by,
So many people have walked through,
some gone with the wind,some remains and stay.
The pain hurts and temporary,but somehow i think, i already get used to it.
I am too numb for pain,i have gone through worse.
Dear God,push away all the weakness in me.
Im tired convinced myself its all was just a nightmare.
Yet still,its the bitter TRUTH.
-i dont need your STUPID sympathy.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Rest in peace.
This is part of my memories.I wish i could burn it all away.
Kalau kau ingat lagi,
mula kita kenal kau yang cari,
aku online nampak kau add aku kat fb,
selalu inbox walau kau hantar malam aku balas pagi.
Dari fb naik satu level lagi,
kau dapat nombor sebab kawan aku yang bagi,
aku tanya sape kau jwb secret admirer diri ini,
walo dah tahu aku saja nak berbasabasi.
Malam pagi rasanya harihari,
makin hari makin menjadi,
dari kwn ada rasa aneh terselit kat hati,
kau ckp kau suka,aku kata aku tak ready.
13 januari jadi saksi,
kau dan aku officially jadi,
firsttime jumpa kau bawak kamera sekali,
sebelom balik lollipop pelangi kau kasi.
Kedua jumpa dekat Mcd,
soalan kau tny,"asal tak tgk muka,ke tak sudi?"
lepas Mcd,batuburuk jadi destinasi,
cincin kau aku amek,genggam kemas takmo kasi.
Ketiga jumpa neo hitam kenderaan rasmi,
kau dtg pick-up kat umah,tak sangka kau berani,
perfume nike hadiah hari jadi,
tak mahal mana,tapi ikhlas dari hati.
Kau kat sana aku kat sini,
mesej call jela jadi ganti,
sambil cakap kau main gitar walau tak nyanyi,
mungkin aku tak respon tapi sumpah aku sangat hargai.
Tiap saat tiap masa tiap hari,
rasa jealous aku makin tinggi,
bila aku marah kau tetap setia cari,
sebab kau kata kau syg hubungan nie.
Satu hari kau balik cuti,
kita keluar situ sini,
ingat tak kau cubit lebam aku punya tangan kiri,
sebab aku selalu sebot benda yang kau tak sukai.
Sebelum kau balik kita keluar lagi,
kau bawak aku susuri jalan takpernah aku lalui,
tangan aku kau tak lepas walau seinci,
dalam hati aku kata,aku cinta kau sampai mati.
Mungkin aku lupa kuasa Allah paleng hakiki,
sehebat mana rancang tak semua jadi,
kita mula bergaduh selang sehari,
kadang aku tidur airmata kering kat pipi.
Aku tak sempurna sana sini,
penyebab hati kau terbang pergi,
aku terkilan dengan kau lelaki,
harusnya kau jujur dari mengkhianati.
Mana aku pergi kau tetap kat hati,
apa dipandang semua menggamit memori,
aku benci perasaan ni jerit dalam hati,
kenapa aku takmampu tepis kau pergi.
Mungkin sudah kau temui pengganti,
semoga bahagia sampai kau mati,
aku selesa bersendirian begini,
dari disakiti dan mungkin menyakiti.
Berakhir sudah hikayat kami,
hikayat tak agung,hikayat tersendiri,
mulai hari ini kau boleh pergi,
sebab aku takkan sesekali kejar kau lagi.
Kalau Tuhan bertanya padaku,
berikan kepadaku satu permintaanmu,
jawabku hanya"hilangkan dia dari jiwaragaku"
kerna ku tahu itu juga doamu saban waktu.
Mana kau pergi,
pintaku hanya satu ini lagi,
ingatlah hingga akhir hayat nanti,
kau pernah punya seseorang yang tulus menyayangi,
tapi kau biarkan dia pergi.
Theres just too much time cannot ERASE.
Kalau kau ingat lagi,
mula kita kenal kau yang cari,
aku online nampak kau add aku kat fb,
selalu inbox walau kau hantar malam aku balas pagi.
Dari fb naik satu level lagi,
kau dapat nombor sebab kawan aku yang bagi,
aku tanya sape kau jwb secret admirer diri ini,
walo dah tahu aku saja nak berbasabasi.
Malam pagi rasanya harihari,
makin hari makin menjadi,
dari kwn ada rasa aneh terselit kat hati,
kau ckp kau suka,aku kata aku tak ready.
13 januari jadi saksi,
kau dan aku officially jadi,
firsttime jumpa kau bawak kamera sekali,
sebelom balik lollipop pelangi kau kasi.
Kedua jumpa dekat Mcd,
soalan kau tny,"asal tak tgk muka,ke tak sudi?"
lepas Mcd,batuburuk jadi destinasi,
cincin kau aku amek,genggam kemas takmo kasi.
Ketiga jumpa neo hitam kenderaan rasmi,
kau dtg pick-up kat umah,tak sangka kau berani,
perfume nike hadiah hari jadi,
tak mahal mana,tapi ikhlas dari hati.
Kau kat sana aku kat sini,
mesej call jela jadi ganti,
sambil cakap kau main gitar walau tak nyanyi,
mungkin aku tak respon tapi sumpah aku sangat hargai.
Tiap saat tiap masa tiap hari,
rasa jealous aku makin tinggi,
bila aku marah kau tetap setia cari,
sebab kau kata kau syg hubungan nie.
Satu hari kau balik cuti,
kita keluar situ sini,
ingat tak kau cubit lebam aku punya tangan kiri,
sebab aku selalu sebot benda yang kau tak sukai.
Sebelum kau balik kita keluar lagi,
kau bawak aku susuri jalan takpernah aku lalui,
tangan aku kau tak lepas walau seinci,
dalam hati aku kata,aku cinta kau sampai mati.
Mungkin aku lupa kuasa Allah paleng hakiki,
sehebat mana rancang tak semua jadi,
kita mula bergaduh selang sehari,
kadang aku tidur airmata kering kat pipi.
Aku tak sempurna sana sini,
penyebab hati kau terbang pergi,
aku terkilan dengan kau lelaki,
harusnya kau jujur dari mengkhianati.
Mana aku pergi kau tetap kat hati,
apa dipandang semua menggamit memori,
aku benci perasaan ni jerit dalam hati,
kenapa aku takmampu tepis kau pergi.
Mungkin sudah kau temui pengganti,
semoga bahagia sampai kau mati,
aku selesa bersendirian begini,
dari disakiti dan mungkin menyakiti.
Berakhir sudah hikayat kami,
hikayat tak agung,hikayat tersendiri,
mulai hari ini kau boleh pergi,
sebab aku takkan sesekali kejar kau lagi.
Kalau Tuhan bertanya padaku,
berikan kepadaku satu permintaanmu,
jawabku hanya"hilangkan dia dari jiwaragaku"
kerna ku tahu itu juga doamu saban waktu.
Mana kau pergi,
pintaku hanya satu ini lagi,
ingatlah hingga akhir hayat nanti,
kau pernah punya seseorang yang tulus menyayangi,
tapi kau biarkan dia pergi.
Theres just too much time cannot ERASE.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
I am a girl,with nothing matter.
Having a clashes emotional conflicts. But i know i will be okay. Dear memories,stop tapping on my back. I wont looking back.
By the way,here is some of my random pics with my annoy girlfriends;
You know,this place is really kinda awesome. I wish i can come here at night and counting the stars. Would be amazing!! I highly wish to do that. Grrr >,< Anyone,come join me? HOHO.
By the way,here is some of my random pics with my annoy girlfriends;
You know,this place is really kinda awesome. I wish i can come here at night and counting the stars. Would be amazing!! I highly wish to do that. Grrr >,< Anyone,come join me? HOHO.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
i HEART them :)
Tadi keluar cari kain. Buat bajukurung. Wah :p
Biasalah,bakal teacher kann :P HOHO
Keluar dengan whole family. WEE :)

maling :)
Itu sahaja. Selamat malam berteman bintang jutaan.
Biasalah,bakal teacher kann :P HOHO
Keluar dengan whole family. WEE :)

Before gerak. Aku nek beskal je :p
cermin kamdar kabur laa -,-
sis,ko sila kuruskan badan okay :p
Ney angah dengan sara. :)
![]() |
bro,muke excited jee :P |
mama,you should smile a bit lah :D
okay,sebelom kamdar tutop :p
Itu sahaja. Selamat malam berteman bintang jutaan.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
|you are just like the rest|
#i know im not the prettiest,the smartest,the most fun or exciting.someone else could make you happier than i could.
but one thing for sure,no matter how hard and long you look,you will never find somebody who loves you like i do. and at that point,you will talking to yourself,"i am worthless for letting she walkaway from my life".#
Saturday, April 9, 2011
poEtic tragEdy
Looking backward,woah,its like everything is so fucking perfect.
Yet looking at today and i noticed how things have changed a lot.
There seems to have a very huge differences back there.
I miss those good old days.
I miss morning text asking me to have my breakfast. I miss whenever he nagged when i skip my meal. I miss a late phone call. I miss his voice. I miss his laugh. I miss when he playing guitar. I miss the time when we are not fighting. I miss spending time with him in the car with no-where heading to. I miss his hair. I miss his guardian hand. I miss when he wipe away my tears whenever i cried in front of him. I miss his random text to me and i miss sending random text to him saying how much i miss him. I miss laughing at his bad jokes. I miss to miss him. On top of that,the most thing that i miss is, HIM.
Everything changed. So do people.
*benda dah lepas. tapi benda lepaslah yang selalu dikenang. kan? =='
Yet looking at today and i noticed how things have changed a lot.
There seems to have a very huge differences back there.
I miss those good old days.
I miss morning text asking me to have my breakfast. I miss whenever he nagged when i skip my meal. I miss a late phone call. I miss his voice. I miss his laugh. I miss when he playing guitar. I miss the time when we are not fighting. I miss spending time with him in the car with no-where heading to. I miss his hair. I miss his guardian hand. I miss when he wipe away my tears whenever i cried in front of him. I miss his random text to me and i miss sending random text to him saying how much i miss him. I miss laughing at his bad jokes. I miss to miss him. On top of that,the most thing that i miss is, HIM.
Everything changed. So do people.
*benda dah lepas. tapi benda lepaslah yang selalu dikenang. kan? =='
WE :)
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